
Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most powerful and cost-effective tool in a digital marketer’s toolbox. When coupled with today’s email-centric marketing automation systems, creating effective, targeted and timely campaigns that drive a stream of continuous revenue is easier that ever.

I got my start with email marketing by leading development on an email marketing system and designing email marketing services to go along with it. From this unique perspective I was able to discover how to build email campaigns that are scalable and effective. These email marketing strategies and systems were used by hundreds of companies in the IT support and IT services industry to send millions of email marketing messages annually.

Over the years, I have set up email marketing systems using marketing automation software like Infusionsoft and Pardot targeting digital marketers, business owners, entrepreneurs and enterprise level executives. The campaigns used activity-based triggers to deliver targeted messages that turned prospects into opportunities, opportunities into customers and customers into repeat buyers.